OLEDB: Demonstrates Storing and Retrieving OLE 2 Objects in a Database with Visual Basic® 3.0 The OLEDB sample application is a Microsoft® Visual Basic 3.0 program that demonstrates OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) version 2 functionality by manipulating data access objects. OLEDB allows you to add, delete, view, and edit OLE objects in a Microsoft Access® database. The database can contain Word documents, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, wave files, bitmaps, text files, and so on. OLEDB demonstrates the use of the Visual Basic GetChunk() and AppendChunk() methods to store and retrieve large amounts of data in a Microsoft Access binary field. The OLEDB.BAS file contains reusable Visual Basic routines for storing and retrieving OLE objects, files, or any other data. OLEDB was built with Microsoft Visual Basic version 3.0.